Bitter River

By shaun22

comes with the fall

by circle takes the square

slowest, stupidest fall ever.
i fell laughing.
most of high street is under construction-
when going off of pavement to turn into taco bell,
the loose dirt went out from under the bike.
scraped open my band, elbow, knee (worst of it) and ankle (pictured).
piece of metal that holds front reflector was twisted around,
the reflector itself was lost,
the rear brakes got smashed into rim-
squeaked a lot while riding (from rubbing together),
the handlebars got knocked out of alignment,
and the right hand gear shift sticks now.
later in the night- the chain decided to jump off the gears
while the bike was stationary.
it got wedged between the derailer and gears so tightly
that the nut had to be taken off the tire to get it out.
other than this minor annoyance, fun night :)

i always manage to hurt myself when you leave town... :p

*a year ago today*
sept 11 memorial thing on college green.

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