An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Busy as a Busy Thing!

**Backblipped 08.04.12**

Not the most exciting photo in the world but one of only a handful taken today and definitely the best of a bad bunch! It is, however, totally representative of our day so has earned its place in my journal :-))

A plan was hatched between David and our brother in law Kenny when we were at D's sis Ele's for dinner last night, whereby D would hire a van this morning and K would come over with our nephew Andrew and between them they would empty our bursting at the seams garage, in preparation for our move.

D was up by 8am to organise the van. I spent most of the night coughing rather than sleeping so I stayed in bed and tried to catch up with sleep.

By 1.30pm the garage had been emptied and a pile of stuff (mainly our old kitchen units) were loaded onto the van to to up to the house to be fitted as storage into the garage up there.

I had the very important job of making everyone bacon rolls then just after lunch we all (including Ele & my neice Jennifer) headed up to the house. D & K & A spent the afternoon in the garage. The blip shows D & K as now that I think about it, Andrew had skivved off by this point and was in the games room playing snooker with Jennifer!

I pottered about in the kitchen making soup then we all stopped around 4ish for tea and scones and other naughty sweet things!

Dinner was late and consisted of fish suppers. Didn't get back down the road till gone 11.30 and only now (1.10am!!) getting the chance to upload my blip!

We are both shattered but as we have the hire van till Tuesday, more clearing out will be taking place tomorrow and Monday (rumour has it the loft will be tackled!!! Eeek!)

My apologies for being such a rubbish blip pal at the mo. Hoping to get an hour to myself tomorrow afternoon to catch up with you.

Now though, it is time for zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :-)) xx

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