Through my camera's EYE

By Torvik

Seattle Skyline.

So, I may have taken this photo yesterday, but I had to post it. (Please forgive me fellow blippers!)

My friend Alison and I went on a "Seattle Date" which we'd planned to do for almost a year! We just walked around Seattle for 10ish hours and went into stores that'd we'd never be able to afford even a business card from. :P You know, stores like Nordstrom's, Urban Outfitters..ect. BUT! Those stores offer great games. Such as the, "Let's smell all the perfumes looking for the one you like" game. Or the "Let's dig around in all the 25-70% off purses in all the store we walk into, only to find out that they're all still over $100." OR! The, "We have to look at how much the sunglasses are everywhere because I know I shouldn't have bought mine at Nordstrom's" AND THE FAVORITE, "How much do you think this costs before we look at the tag" game.

As you can see, there's lots of fun to be had in the wonderfully rich city of Seattle. :)

This photo was taken on the way home, and I'd been looking forward to taking it all day. It took a couple of times to get a clear shot because of the wind, but I succeeded. :D
If only I'd brought my 100-300 lens! Next time!

Have a Happy Easter my friends!

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