A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Snow day

We woke up to snow this morning, as forecast. Luckily it just made everything more beautiful as you can see. We were accompanied by snow devils, whirling along on the upper slopes of these hills.

We visited the new Golden Eagle observatory on North Harris, stopping off to see an old whaling station on the way. It is not too much of an exaggeration to say that it was pretty much the only place on Harris were we did not see any Golden Eagles. It is a great place though and well worth a visit. The walk up to it alone is very nice as you can see from the photo. We did see a Kestrel there though and I recorded it in the visitor book there.

We did see some eagles when we got back to our cottage though which was nice. I also saw a Snipe which answered my question of whether there were any about.

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