Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

"Leafing" Things Behind!

One of the most annoying aspects of having a mild winter is the prospect of dealing with leaves! Living in the woods means leaves. Lots of leaves! I have raked my gardens a few times, but every time the winds blow from the west, well, the leaves overtake everything once again!

As I was looking at the garden out front, I couldn't believe that all the typical flowers we associate with Easter...the Daffodils and Hyacinths, have come and gone in my humble garden! Add to that the fact that most of our flowers are late in blooming anyway, and this was quite the unusual year! That little garden looks quite forlorn, indeed!

The wind rustled and I saw a patch of purple. I thought it was perhaps a small piece of paper, so I went over and bent down to pick it up. It was then that I discovered my little Grape Hyacinths were blooming! I had thought they were destroyed by a strong frost we had a couple of weeks ago. The greenery had turned kind of transluscent afterwards and I had decided the flowers would not make it.

So, as Easter fast approaches, I will have *some* color! My two tiny plants will make a strong showing, after all!

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