Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


I had an interesting experience yesterday. I took an extended lunch hour to capture a photo that I had viewed in my mind, only to be disappointed. The reason wasn't immediately apparent to me, until Farside pointed it out.

There are many different styles of photography and for the vast majority of "photographers" this involves clicking the shutter to capture a scene. In the most literal sense this is photography, the simple act of capturing a scene that is presented in front of us.

As one progresses through their photography career, you might strive to tell a story, and in fact many would argue that photography is all about story. At this point "photography" transforms from a simple factual representation, to something that requires interpretation, as many stories do. The photograph exists as a catalyst to make you think, in the same way art often does.

I think I finally realised yesterday that this is what I have been searching for since joining blip, and which has so eluded me. I actually knew the answer, I just hadn't figured it out. I knew the answer because of the photos of mine that I consider my favourites, and other blippers whose images I also admire. In their own right these images might be great standalone photos, but they represent a wider concept, or emotion.

I'd have to say, that having been here for a while now, I had figured out a while ago that I liked a certain image, simplicity, something that talks to me about a bigger picture. But I rarely capture or create them

Today's image is by no means stunning, time was short. But you might be able to guess what it is, and what goes on there. I know, the image doesn't represent that well, but for me this is a step in thinking abut the fact that "less is more" and that I don't have to be a male, obsessed by telling you the story by showing you the entire picture and all the facts that surround it.

Maybe like so many good blippers here, I can make you think and interpret what it is I am trying to say. That is a huge challenge for me ...

So yes, today is a turning point for me, and Farside probably didn't realise it when he made that comment. I can't thank you enough, it was the best comment in 420 blips. By far ...

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