skye line

By cameraskye

A stitch in time

What do you do with that much loved jumper that you have outgrown and no one else wants, why make it into a bear of course! The bear in this picture is one of three that were made from a handmade Fair Isle jumper that belonged to my husband and which had sat in a drawer for years, unworn and neglected. I heard of a company up in Shetland (where my husband is from) which made bears out of old jumpers and contacted them to see if they could make some for me. I sent the jumper away and this bear, as well as two smaller ones, are the result. I think it is a lovely way of enjoying something which otherwise would have stayed hidden away from view. The largest of the three bears belongs to my husband whilst the other two are with my mother-in-law and my son, three bears for three generations!

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