How to catch a star

By Shinythings


Had a lovely easter egg hunt around Hardwick Park and managed to get a shot of this into the bargain.

Things are definitely looking up at the moment. 7 weeks til I start my new job (oncall is starting in 6 so they won't make me do it before I leave. Work also going to extend service hours to cover weekends and I'll avoid that too!!! Getting a new kitchen middle of May (expect lots of before and after blips then!!!!) And a local cafe has agreed to stock my prints so I will be able to see my work on display. My website has drawn in quite a bit of interest and I've sold a couple of prints - but it'll be a completely different scenario to have them displayed 'in the flesh'!!!! So excited!!!

Hope everyone's having a great Easter and isn't feeling too sick from the chocolate!!!!


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