Adam's Images

By ajt

Blue Anemone

Third day not at work - this is good! Started well with some home made brioche for breakfast - very yummy, then pottered about for a bit. Around mid day we shared our Fairtrade easter egg then lifted some of the floorboards in the dining room to have a look at the state of the space underneath so we can plan insulating it. Though we can save many of the red deal (pine) planks, we'll have to buy a lot of new ones to replace the damage done by plumbers and electricians over the years.

We then went out for a walk. We checked the community orchard and all was well there. We then walked on to our allotment/orchard and checked our trees out. From our orchard we went along a section of the Harrow Way to check the damage to the surface after this winter - there has been a problem in the past with 4x4s destroying it. At the moment the surface looks pretty good. The light has been on and off all day and though it tried to rain on us several times it held off - though the ground could seriously do with a drink!

As we came back into the village I spotted a clump of thee little blue flowers that have escaped from a garden and were growing quite well in a shady spot by the side of the road. I think it's a blue anemone (Anemone apennina) but it could be a related species.

Edit: It could also be Anemone blanda.

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