Down in the Dip

By DownintheDip

More Easter Eggs

Well after yesterday's request by lovepopcorn I though I better put this up! Myself and the girls had a discussion on which egg you meant and came up with this one. There is no bird but there are feathers.
I love this patterned tissue paper, I would love to cover a whole chest of drawers or something big with it. When the girls were sticking the paper onto the eggs I was very fussy and said they had to make them good or they weren't going on the tree. They had to make sure that there were no bits of egg showing through or bits of tissue paper flapping about, ready to be torn off. Fair play to them they did really well and I have now earned the title of The Art Police. This is a well deserved title. My poor girls and any one who is in an art class with me (I teach teenagers and used to do kiddy art classes) may have come up against my fussyness. I am not particular about anything else, only art and hate to see sloppy workmanship. I have a suspicion that everybody else finds this really annoying but unfortunately I don't think it's possible for me to stop being an art snob.

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