Royal Academy of Arts

This is the front entrance of Burlington House, Piccadilly, London. A 19th C Palladiaon style mansion built around a central courtyard. It now houses the Geological Society of London, the Linnean Society of London (toxonomy and natural history) the Royal Astronomical Society, the Society of Antiquaries of London and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

I never knew it was so busy.

Today MrsW and I went to see the Hockney exhibition. A fantastic show of his landscapes, mostly of Yorkshire, specially commissioned for the RA. There were loads of his iPad landscapes and film where he uses 9 HD video cameras to explore the depiction of the English Landscape. Fascinating and inspiring stuff.

What was even better was being a friend of the RA there was no queueing and we could disappear behind an unmarked door for tea and carrot cake in the friends room. It felt very exclusive!

More watercolours to follow I think!

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