Thank You - Thank You - Thank You - X 100 - for all your support over the last 100 days. I have really enjoyed seeing everyday images from across the world, meeting new blippers and I have learned a lot along the way.

The First Hundred Days is a benchmark for a newly appointed President of the United States - well it could also be the benchmark for something more important - The Blip Community !

I had many thoughts on how to mark this occasion - so have hatched this image with a special filter effect. It shows Narcissus poeticus, the Poet's Daffodil, or Pheasant's Eye, used mainly as an essential oil and a key ingredient in quality perfumes.

100 Today - the number of tiles in a standard English Scrabble set
100 History - before the 18th century 100 could mean other values depending on the objects being counted. The value of 100 was a small hundred and the larger value of 120 was a long hundred. Well this BLIP journal has been the most valuable long hundred of all.

What else happened today ?
On this day in 1838, the National Galley opened in London.
On this day in 1879, W.C. Fields (Claude William Dukenfield), comedian and actor died.
On this day in 1912, the first exhibition baseball game was held at Fenway Park in Boston, between Red Sox and Harvard. Sadly Boro were elsewhere.

You all have a great day !

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