Just looking....

This is the third time I spotted mr. Heron this morning.
The first time I saw a move in the corner of my eye and there he was, walking over the lawn to my little pond...
He did not want to be caught on camera so as I pointed he flew away.
The second time he landed near the pond but I had no camera at hand.
This is the third time; watching me while standing on a pergola.
I did not have a gun but I did have the camera this time.
And then one can see he can vanish into the background....
It's nature, I know, so shooting him with a gun is a bit over the top. So instead of that I just now finished installing a kind of scarecrow with the shape of a swan, snapping in the wind, specially meant to scare away herons.
We'll wait and see if it works.

Here better in LARGE...

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