
By Tinks

Advanced Digital SLR Photography Course!

Tonight was the first night of my Advanced Digital SLR Photography course!

I loved it :) Having never done a photography course before, I thought it was very brave of me plunging straight in at the 'advanced' level but the lady that signs you up for the courses said I would be fine!

It was fab! Not at all how I imagined! The instructor said he wanted to know what we could do and how we worked, so basically sent us off to take about 20 pics of whatever we liked! OK, so this is the front of a magazine cover ... but I do think it's striking!

He then downloaded all our photos and went through them all, one by one, looking at dpi, shutter speed, f stop, white balance etc etc! Giving us constructive critisism and praise.

The most scarey thing for me is that he changed my camera settings to work in RAW... when he saw the panic on my face though he changed it again to RAW+L!! Phew ... a bit of a get out of jail free card then!!

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