Long-tailed tit

As I sit down to blip, the sun is coming out for the first time today, or at least trying to. Another day at home - general pottering and more photo wrangling after the usual check on what's on the feeders. We've had both pairs of bullfinch showing today, and the greenfinch pair must have liked what they saw yesterday, as they came back for second helpings. Also, we seem to be getting more frequent visits once more from these delightful little birds.
I'm out tomorrow doing a route reccy ready for my back-marking duties on a Sheffield Ramblers Stepping Out walk next week. It's only 3 miles, but it's the first one I've done since January, where I have less control over the pace. I've not been out very much recently so it'll be a much needed bit of fresh air and exercise, and a chance to blip something other than garden wildlife.

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