Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

The Eye of the Jaguar

Been after an outing to the zoo with my camera for a while now, so finally took the opportunity.

Despite the attractions of meerkats and panda's, there really is only one show in town for me at the zoo, and that's the jaguar. Since the last time I was there, there is a new addition - a black jaguar (there is in fact no such thing as a black panther - they are jaguar's apparently). He was absolutely stunning - so incredibly beautiful and his markings were astonishing, but he was just too quick and elusive to get a decent shot of. Another day.

This fella did oblige and I spent ages just watching him. He did spend a lot of his time watching all the small children peering through the toughened glass. Not too hard to guess what he was thinking...

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