Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Daddy Day Care

Well, afternoon care to be more precise. Hubby took H and O to visit Granny whilst I went on a much needed shopping spree at the Fort. Unfortunately as usual, by the time I got there, it was late afternoon and I did some present shopping before realising it was time to go home and make dinner and I hadn't even looked at anything for myself. It's probably the last chance I will get for a while to spend time on my own!

Meanwhile, at Granny's, hubby spent time building a playhouse in her garden which H was most excited about, whilst Granny entertained the 2 children. It was quite brave of hubby to undertake a 1 hour car journey when H was on her second day of toilet training, but she did really well, and her only accident all day was a small puddle on Granny's carpet. Not bad really!

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