This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

like superheroes.


Time ticks on by...
The list isn't exactly working out as planned.
But I did apply for a grant...with help from Stewart and the lovely Jennifer.
It is good to be part of a team.

Later Jennifer and I had an art discussion.. and I want to remember it.
It went something like this from my end...

I feel like I really need to paint a big body of work and I feel like it would be quite an experience. I have a lot to say... and I miss dreaming and then putting it on paper... I need to make a serious body of work...I want to paint.. this time no words, no paper.. I want to make really huge involved paintings. I feel like I have been researching for a long time for the next body of work. I don't think I will spare anything next time. I want to really explore the physicality of the painting.. I want to labor. I think in the right environment I could make these paintings. the idea of expressing it all and getting it out there to people would be amazing. I want to be an artist again... working.. plans.. deadlines.. goals.. time frames.. studio...

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