Scarlett O'Hara

By scarlett

Today is International Womens Day


Age 8: she looks at herself and sees Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty

Age 15: she looks at herself and sees Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty/Cheerleader - or is PMSing sees Pimples/UGLY - I'm not going to school like this!

Age 20: she looks at herself and sees too short/tall, too fat/thin, too straight/too curly - but decides she's going out anyway

Age 30: she looks at herself and sees too short/tall, too fat/thin, too straight/curly - but decides she doesn't have time to fix it so she going out anyway

Age 40: she looks and sees too short/tall, too fat/thin, too straight/curly but says at least I'm clean and goes out anyway

Age 50: she looks and says I AM and goes wherever she want to

Age 60: looks at herself and reminds herself of all the people who can't even see themselves in the mirror anymore - and goes out and conquers the world

Age 70: she looks at herself and sees wisdom, laughter and ability - goes out and enjoys herself

Age 80: doesn't bother to look just puts on a red hat and goes out to participate in the world

Age 90: Can't see and doesn't worry about it!

Hope you had or are having a great day ladies xxxx

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