Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Daddy's Home

I love being a full time Mum; every day is different. My four girls keep me busy; we have regular "play-dates" and routines. They are all still young, so every day is about fun filled activities, exploring opportunities and learning boundaries.
My husband is self-employed and being the only earner in the house, he is out of the house at 5.30am and often home between 4pm & 6pm.
Some days can be tough, if I've had an interrupted night's sleep I'm slightly grumpy, this is then reflected on the girls, who in turn are slightly grumpy too. If Ruby & Penny have their afternoon nap later than normal, I still have to get them up at the usual time.
Today is one of those days.....
Ashleigh (11wks old) woke me up at 4am and I managed to settle her quickly. Daisy-May (4yrs old) woke up at 4.55am having had a nightmare, after being put back to bed by me & then again when Peach got up for work, she ended up in our bed at 5.45am. Ashleigh woke up for her fed at 6am and it's been all go since then.
Ruby & Penny (2yrs old) went down for their afternoon nap an hour later than they should've done. When I got them up after an hour and a half's sleep, they were particularly grumpy. There was nothing I could do to make them happy. I ended up leaving them in their room, with the door open so they could come downstairs when they were ready. Every time I went near them, they cried more. Eventually they came downstairs and we had a cuddle. With tears in their eyes, they held on to me tightly. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Peach's van pull up. Quietly I whispered "Look, who's that?" pointing at the van turning in the street. Ruby had a huge grin and said "Yay Daddy". Silence, smiles and excitement filled the house. Ruby and Daisy-May ran to the kitchen to welcome Peach as he walked in. Penny choose to stand at the window and wave at him while he gathered his belongings from the Van.
Normal service resumed.
Daddy's Home = Four happy little ladies + One Happy Mummy :oD

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