My Mum and the boys

My Mum and Gerry stayed last night, Lillo (my Mum) is not well, they are going to the Doctor tomorrow and I hope they can do something more helpful than telling her to take paracetamol this time!

After they left I took the boys out to buy wellies and new school shoes, to collect some exciting biker boots from Ebay of Zebedee's from the sorting office, buy pokemon cards
from Smith's (a fail they didn't have any) and to take Gulliver to the Barber for the first time ever!!!! Max has always done the boys hair but since Gulli has wanted his long it's been trickier as max favours the clippers! Anyway a very jolly barber from Cyprus gave him a great trim and made the back shorter, looks good and all the split ends are gone.

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