
By Dawson

Shut up and do as you're told

''Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.''

My arse has he, this place was more like Fort Knox!!! Bars on all the windows and a hefty lock and chain on the front gates, maybe to keep all the heathens like me out?

My eldest sister is getting married tomorrow and I returned (again!) to Cambridge today to attend the rehearsal for which I have been given the duty of usher.

This is my third attempt at posting this evening, due a constant stream of last minute preparations including the 'order of service thingy's' which I have taken a break from preparing to get this in on time!

In all honesty, I haven't a clue what's going on and can only tell you that I am keeping my head down in a house full of highly emotional women and am doing what I am told, when I am told!
Fag breaks thus far have been permitted, on occasion.

Also, my flat mate and lifelong friend has kindly lent me his 450D for the occasion on which today's shot was poorly taken. Practice was needed I feel, but he will be very lucky to get this amazing piece of kit back!

Suffice to say I envy you all with your high end cameras now more than ever.

I should really get back to work now as I'm pushing it with the female hormones :)

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