Sieze the day

By Mario

Tools of my Trade

More still life tonight have been working late and night comes in fast now, so I am tinkering with practicing still life photography which is quite fun and a great chance to use your imagination and explore the unlimited. this Blip is of the tools I use on a daily bases. I have also done a lot of drainlaying repairs recently and I mean a lot.I think its damage from the earthquakes. Another contractor on my job showed us a photo they shot of a drain I am repairing, while we were away a guest apeared from the sewer the guy was about 7 inches long and filled the inside of the pipe which is a 6inch inside diameter pipe this was a big rat and I don't like rats ,spiders and electricity and I work around these everyday.
Thank you everyone who enjoy my photos and thank you for your comments its so good to be in a community of friends who share a passion and common interest in photography

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