
By seathreepeeo


Or, 'How to suck at taking a self portrait'.

That sadly is not a halo, it is in fact my bathroom light.

Anyway, I mentioned the other day about going grey and/or bald and tkny commented -

"Will you bother to dye it btw, it's long hair - you'll need quite a lot of dye!"

My hair was indeed at one time very long, so long I was able to sit on it. However as you can now see, it's long no longer. I took the decision to have it all cut off during that period of my pregnancy when I was suffering greatly with 'morning' sickness or as I liked to call it, progesterone posioning.

Long hair loses it's appeal when you're constantly vomitting on it. Also I had long been hankering after one of those 'bed head' hair cuts for a while. The type where you don't have to bother brushing your hair in the morning before leaving the house on the school run. That, I think, suits me fine.

P.S You will also notice a distinct lack of greys, this is because after nine months of pregnancy I have finally had it dyed.

Also I would like to apologise for the lack of commenting yesterday. Blipfoto chucked me out after my post and I couldn't sign back in. Obvioulsy they have spies from Slough working for them.

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