Picaday Anyday

By Picaday

Horse-shoe Barometer

Went up to check on the sheep again today to make sure all is well. We are not expecting lambs but the sheep are on a 42 acre hill apportionment which is being loaned out to us and we just like to see if we can see them!!
It was freezing cold outside. The sheep still have their woolly fleeces on so they didn't mind at all. We were a little more jittery and thinking of getting back home for a cup of tea!
As we were driving back home in a hail shower I was thinking of the barometer pictured as my blip for today. I've bought it as a Christmas present for my oldest son who first went to sea at age 14. He was a fisherman for about 15 years and had some near misses in that time. He would tell me stories just to scare me, and then he'd laugh while I nearly cried!
This horse-shoe barometer is made by the famous Short Brothers and dates circa. 1950 - 58. It's in fine working order and I'm keeping it in a box until Christmas in case anything should happen to it. After all, it's in my little office/craft room at home and it may eventually get hidden under quilting fabric.
But I thought I'd let you see the barometer. There are various designs of horse-shoe barometers but I know my son will like this one as he is very fond of things made of wood and anything to do with the weather, tides etc.
Hope you like it too.

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