A glimpse of my day

By Erniehor


Arrived at Ellesmere last night in time for a few drinks in the Black Lion with boating friends. Had a curry then a few more drinks in the White Hart (the oldest pub in Shropshire) which just happens to have a 'Beer Fest' on this weekend. Think I will be loosing a few memory cells!
Today is my birthday and a few balloons have been appeared on my boat. This is my boat moored on the 'Arm' at Ellesmere. Met up in the White Hart for a quiet lunchtime drink! No chance! My glass kept getting filled up. Booked a table for 8 of us at the Red Lion tonight so we all met at my boat at 6pm for pre dinner drinks. Had to be champagne. Ali had arranged table decorations and a cake at the pub. Twas a great night and we staggered back to our boats later in the night.

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