Spot the Granchildren!

This is a shameless Grandparent blip for Meander. They are really why I keep blipping - so they can keep an eye on the inane and trivial nonsense that makes up my life.

We were late surfacing after last night's excesses. We had talked about going to St Michael Mount last night but for some reason I suffered especially bad short term memory loss. And I completely forgot the conversation. And I took everyone to Trelissick instead.

Which was marvellous. Ideal for today as there has been a chilly breeze blowing in from the Urals so beach might have been a tad brassic. We wandered the entire garden bribing the children with snacks at each summer house.

We returned to the cafe for lunch. And now I shall do a Withers style rant... Why? WHY? WHY do the National Trust just not 'get' how to do lunches in their cafes?

We turn up and there are 3 sandwiches left. They can't make more because - well I don't know why. So we pay £4.75 each for 2 small bowls of soup and a small roll. And a further £6.25 for a bowl of (reheated in the microwave) macaroni cheese. And another £5.95 for a jacket with cheese. With drinks it comes to almost £30. Which I don't begrudge paying IF it is good value for money. Which it isn't.

And this comes after we have stood at the EMPTY checkout for 5minutes being ignored. Because clearly only one person is actually allowed to serve customers and the other staff are merely there for decoration.

But looking on the bright side, we were told we had the last 2 soups. So I'm not sure what the woman after us was getting - she ordered and paid for her soup before we left the till...

Anyway, the children are all in their PJs watching Chipwrecked and we shall be cracking open the wine dreckly!

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