Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Back to work

Went back today despite still not feeling brilliant, compounded by Henry waking me up hourly from 2am until I had to get up at 6.30am. He had broccoli for his tea last night and it had given him awful wind and tummyache! In the end he fell asleep propped up using my tummy as a pillow.

Work itself is pretty boring as I'm just sitting in with other Drs but my own clinics start on Monday so I'm looking forward to that. I did a couple of visits to the local residential home and saw some familiar faces so that was nice.

Henry sounds like he had a good day, apparently he was very smiley and enjoyed playing with mirrors (vanity starting early!) and had 3 naps!

Today's blip is Neil singing nursery rhymes to Henry - I think this one was round and round the garden. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more!

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