Scattered Polaroids

By sp

This morning I finished my film (see Tuesday and Wednesday) and took it to a place in Southampton to get it developed.

I also went to the Apple store to get my Mac fixed. It now has all the keys, and a bottom that isn't falling off. Yay! The best part is knowing that the £60 I spent on a repair plan when I bought it saved me £73 today.

After that I had about 5 hours left until I could collect my prints. I sat in Pret a Manger for a few hours, doing sudokus in the metro and using their wifi. Then I had some lunch at the stormy looking docks. I thought I'd do some tilt-shiftery of the boats but nothing was happening. I also went in nearly every shop, but managed to only buy a book in Waterstones. Extreme self control there.

More of my film is here.

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