Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1


Today I had a day off work, 9 day fortnights are great! However I seemed to struggle to amuse myself.

I was going to change the number plate to my private reg on my car, although the guy I called at the DVLA gave me the wrong information, so when I drove into Aberdeen to get it done I was turned away, very fustrating and a waste of time.

Once home, the weather got better, the grey skies cleared and the sun came out, so I headed over to Benachie, a 518m hill with an old stone fort at the top in Aberdeenshire. This was the first time I have been up at the summit by myself, with its close proximity to Aberdeen and other major towns, plus the fact its an easy walk, make it very popular at the weekend.

I stayed at the summit enjoying the peace and also found names carved into the rock of the hill fort. Eventually I was joined by someone who had run up, we got talking about running, cycling, and then watched sunset over the Cairngorms, before finally heading back home for a curry.

A nice end to the day

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