Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Duck watching

After a number of good nights, Will was rubbish last night, so Mummy and W were both tired this morning. W spent forever eating breakfast, while Carys finished her 'Thank you' card for H her swim teacher.

Off to the gym, my legs are really tired now after a run and fairly vicious circuits. Picked up kids from creche to find out that Carys had won the Easter colouring competition, so that is another Easter egg to be consummed and one very happy Carys.

Swimming was better today. The temperature was lovely (even by my standards). Carys managed about 10m of proper butterfly (arms and legs) and William astounded us all by jumping in a number of times, sometimes submerging sometimes not. Whether he will do it again any time soon, who knows. He also still refused point blank to go in the shower.

Carys's friend N was supposed to be coming to play this afternoon, but she is still in Leeds as her Granny had an unexpected operation on Wednesday. Will was more disappointed than C. But we will rearrange and they will see each other when school goes back on Tuesday. So the afternoon was one of jobs and then a little while in Waterstones choosing new books with Granny's Easter money. Carys chose the first if the Darcy Bussell, Magic Ballerina books and William chose a compliation of Harry and the bucketful of stomp stomps, sorry I mean dinosaurs.

They are eating tea now and off to bed soon. Daddy out for the night. Mummy has night to herself, what to do? Oh yes, that assignment I have been avoiding.

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