point and press

By crispinhj

front door

Definitely not how it should be if you were selling the house, highlighting my less than exemplary domestic skills

But on the other hand this might be the only bit of the garden (front or back) that actually looks how I saw it in my head.

The invitation from Pizza Hut hanging out of the letterbox is one of about forty or fifty flyers we get monthly here - almost without exception bunged in recycling without a second glance

The clematis alpina on the right is growing like mad and will need cutting back this year to keep it under control but is twining itself round and amongst the roses in a very satisfactory manner!

There's a more showy clematis coming up through the left hand rose (Maid of Kent) which actually flowered from June to December last year. The right hand rose (£1.99 from B&Q) had the most spectacular single flush of small pink flowers.

I think of this as very country cottage, and I quite like the fact that it's all in the middle of this little town.

Mind you the rest of the front isn't anything like as organised or country cottagey as this - for a start there's far too much bare earth at the moment - one of my pet hates!

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