Picaday Anyday

By Picaday

Glove Boards and Shetland Lace Wool

Continuing my Shetland theme from yesterday which seemed popular with blippers, I thought today I would photograph these glove boards and some pure Shetland 1 ply lace wool in colours I am currently using to knit a scarf.
Shetland wool, like any other, will begin to shrink over time, so knitters use these boards to initially get the gloves to the required size and shape.
Wool really only shrinks or 'felts' if it is washed in differing temperatures or washed too harshly. If it is washed in warm water it should also be rinsed in warm water as cold water will begin the shrinking or felting process.
Shetlanders also use 'jumper boards' to keep their pure wool jumpers at the correct size. I'll keep that for a future blip.

I hope you are all having a good weekend.

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