My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


Walked the dog in the morning for a change, because we had a friend coming by for coffee and my mum didn't have time to walk Liffey first - it was interesting taking photos with the shadows going the other way than they usually are.

Had a lovely morning with our friend - she used to babysit my sister and I, and she's such a wonderful person, so it was great to catch up with her.

Did some revision in the afternoon, as well as playing "Sports Champions" on Playstation Move to get me on my feet (you can play gladiator fighting on it, which is actually really good exercise ...) although I got a little carried away and completed the bronze championship for both archery and gladiator fighting.

In the evening my sister, friend Tim and I went to see Titanic in IMAX 3D. To say the least, it was amazing, and I've never been so "immersed" in a movie (sorry for the pun, blame my sister). Scary that tomorrow it'll be 100 years since it all happened (minus the fiction, of course).

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