
Lovely but very long day today.

Up really early to get through to Edinburgh with the kids to see Bang goes the theory live, followed by some shopping whilst Mrs P was working. Just back at 20.50 after a spot of blipping!

Didn't actually take any shots in Edinburgh today. Was a little disappointed at Bang, as it moved to the Usher this year and it wasn't as intimate as last year and they weren't allowing "filming" which also included taking pictures :(

Boat is relevant as I bought some shoes today and my size 12s are like boats.

Played around with the ND10 again. Learnt tons more and had fun, but many of the shots at 4 minutes didn't come out as well because I had the ISO set too low. This is the best of them. Will keep at it as its making me seek things out rather than quick snaps.


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