
By mrsmac


Today I took the advice that M regularly gives me and actually got up in the morning. Turns out he's right, you get so much more done that way. I was up, showered and (nearly) dressed for Carole Fashion's 9am arrival with hoards of fabulous and practical baby gadgets. I then got a washing out and another in, a leisurely breakfast, and off for a quick shower and steam before my 11:30 massage.

In the afternoon it was a quick rendezvous with the birthday girl for west end sunshine (and hail) drinks before off to watch the gg's over a late lunch with mother. Unfortunately Buster's horse fell at the 3rd, mine fell at the 10th (or something) and Chef's lost by a nose.

After that disappointment imagine how I felt when I got home about 6 to find that the house hadn't magically cleaned itself and was still a pig sty and that it really was a bit late to start pottering with all the goodies I got (courtesy of the Gala girls) in Dobbies yesterday.

Still, if I take M's advice again I can always do it tomorrow.........

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