100th Anniversary

We needed to pop over to Tesco in Lichfield this morning so decided to have a walk around town.

This statue in Beacon Park is of Captain Edward John Smith, captain of The Titanic. As today marks the 100th Anniversary of the tragic sinking of the ship it seemed an apt blip. Quite a few people were leaving floral tributes at the base of the statue itself and the plinth upon which it stands.

It's a lovely sunny day. Gav is currently mowing the lawn and Rob is trying to persuade me that I really want to spend £100 on headphones that he has his eye on!!!

Term starts again tomorrow so back to setting the alarm clock :(

P.S. Thank you for the comments, stars and hearts for yesterdays sunrise, making it one of my most popular blips and hitting spotlight!

P.P.S Apologies Ken Petch for copying your blip from a couple of days ago!

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