
Alarm got me up at 3.50, up and readt to go by 4.00 so I headed to Waverley Station. I was going to get a taxi but decided to walk through the city streets to try and get used to the heavy rucksack. Students chatting on street corners and the early shift workers the only ones around.

Train was waiting so on and seated by 4.30.

I tried to sleep but when the sun came up the outside world was more interesting. The roe deer grazing in the urban landscape were replaced with red deer as we travelled north.

The hills were stunning with a light sprinkling of snow on the very tops. Nearing Tulloch station, brave trout were rising in the icy flanked Loch Treig, I prepared for the walk ahead.

I was off up the first hill above Fersit, a wee 2000 footer with views all around and clearing hills to the west. I headed down for a bealach to get on the main path in the area. On the ascent I found a dead lizard, then disturbed a live one who jumped in the freezing stream to escape me. I stopped and caught the lizard, heated it in my hands and realised a sprightly beast into the long grass.

Over to first bothy for some lunch, not a great one but out of the biting wind. A choice of paths and in reflection the correct one to the next hill, I was chased down the glen by a fierce hail storm, it hit me in the ascent of hill number 2 a cracking craggy wee hill.

Dropped south to another bothy with the intentions of staying here. A lovely couple with their young children made me a cup of tea(I must have looked crap) and I met my first people of the walk. A great chat and I decided that the bothy further south would be a better option. Tired and getting late I headed up again, the last hill gave fabby views in the lowering light. A quick dash to the bothy by the loch, a great 4 roomed clean one. I chose the smallest upstair romm facing south for max heat. I could not get the pasta boiled quick enough, the long day had drained me. Fed and watered in bed at 20.45 in a bothy by myself.

This is my first ever solo back pack in the hills and it has been great, must do it more often.

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