Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Happy 80th Birthday Nana

Today is my Nana's 80th Birthday. We joined our family at a surprise lunch to celebrate her birthday.
My Nana lives in Hertfordshire; my Mum and Dad moved to Leicestershire 30 years ago and we've stayed here ever since.
Calv (my brother) is still recovering from his knee op, so Peach (my husband) drove him and his kiddies to the lunch, while I drove our girlies in the Mum Bus.
As I got closer to Hertfordshire I started to think about my Nana's surprise gathering; who's going to be there, the family I'll catch up with, introducing Ashleigh to my Nana and other members of my family for the first time. As I was thinking a surge of emotions came over me and I started to cry. For a moment I thought that there's a very slim chance my Dad could be there (he lives in Kansas). It would be amazing to have my Dad there. As a family, we'd love to see him. Our girls would get to see their Grandad Rave. I'd get to see my Dad, hear his laugh and listen to his talk of weather ;o)
We had a lovely lunch - my Dad wasn't there :o( - our girls were really well behaved and it was lovely to see the family.
We went back to my Aunties after lunch and watched a DVD that Calv had made from photo's that our family had collected.
While watching, I thought about the family we have around us, the generations we are fortunate to have and the family we have lost.
My Nana is a wonderful lady, she's very caring, thoughtful and talented.
I hope to celebrate many more of her birthday's.
Happy 80th Birthday Nana!!!

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