Life's Too Short

By MRuddle

Lucky Shot

Exhausted. I was at work from 9 until 6 today, and it was busy. The only sit down I got was my compulsory lunch break and my feet are killing me. It was really good fun though, had some good laughs along the way which made it much more bearable.

A question I was going to ask yesterday but forgot about now: What is the problem with Jeans? I know that they aren't the smartest things in the world, you wouldn't turn up to a black tie dinner in a pair but come on. My real problem however, is with chinos. What makes a pair of chinos better than a smart pair of jeans? I am not a chino wearing sort of person. I don't own a pair and I have no intention to buy a pair. Why would I? Everyone else wears them and its just boring. So when told that the dress for last night was smart and I quote; "not black tie. Chinos are fine, just not jeans." you can imagine my annoyance and the quandary that I was placed in. Do I go and buy some? Do I ignore it and wear jeans? Do I just wear suit trousers?

My first instinct was to just ignore it, how does chinos and a shirt differ from jeans and a shirt? I decided that I should probably get some though, so I went to the shop and then decided that I really didnt want a pair and I would probably never wear them again. So I just wore suit trousers. Sorry about that it just bugs me.

Anyway back to today. I had fun taking this actually. The figure is a little metal statue thing that I made in DT lessons at school a number of years ago. I'm actually quite proud of it and I like the perspective on it you get here.

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