All ready for a road trip!!

okay I know I havent blipped for a while.. understatement of the year!!... but dunno where the time has gone and have missed it.. so cant promise that I will blip everyday but I will certainly blip the big things that happen to me along the way.. and will try and keep up with your lives more than I have been doing...

today has been the day for a road trip.. here are the kids waiting and waiting and waiting to be collected!... what is it with us and that trip down south!!... for any of you that dont know a few months ago I was involved in a serious car accident doing this identical car journey.. thank god none of us was seriously injured but has definitely affected me in numerous ways... will talk about that later... so bless him but a certain member of Life Is Never Dull family was working up north so said he would collect us... god love him... thats before the five hour trip on the M1 due to shed loads of traffic .. I seriously am fated!...

the kids were stars though.. had a quick game of eye spy.. N mentioned he was hungry half an hour into the trip but then promptly fell asleep... E just had her ear phones on so couldnt hear a word I said even if I tried to talk to her!!...

Arrived at 11 and then ate chicken and chips ... does everyone not eat at this time?!.. or it could have been a bucket of skin?!! the skin not the best bit?!!....

bring on a proper catch up few days...

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