So, this is a hobby....

Today was a dull dreich day until the late afternoon. I decided that a good way to spend my time was to try and organise my digital photographs - getting rid of the tatt, putting the rest into folders and then saving on DVD and external hard drive. It is taking me HOURS!

I must learn from this, and do this much more regularly. Well, that it the intention; you read it here first.

And I still haven't finished.

By the way, I had good news about Dimairt this week. The vet says that his leg is much better, and I am allowed to decrease the medication, and give him 3 x 10min. walks on the lead during the day. However, I should play this by ear, and cut it down again if he is stiff the next day. It hasn't helped him this weekend that he went berserk on Friday night at the Melvaig Inn. When he got out of the car, and before I could get the lead on him, he made a mad dash to chase the dogs who live in the neighbouring house. He wouldn't come to me until he had run, at enormous speed, up and down the other side of the fence from these dogs. As a result, he was quite stiff yesterday and today. I just hope that he has not undone all our good work.

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