Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen


Here is Snowy and Pete's black bike (hasn't got a name) all laden up after a morning on the allotment. Finally got the main crop of potatoes in and did 6 pots of strawberry runners for the annual village plant sale in a few weeks. Hope they will have taken and look good to sell by then. Would normally do that in the Autumn but just didn't get round to it last year. Note basket full of leeks and rhubarb, and the variety of tools on Pete's bike.

So this morning was spent digging and pottering on the allotment, afternoon spent helping Louis to sort out his photos for his portfolio - he has an interview at the local college on Tuesday and has to do quite a lot of things for it - one being a portfolio. This evening was spent ebaying - I am so excited. Major purchase on the advice of Pete. Will Blip it later in the week - but lets say its very shiny and number 16!! (that is between us all)

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