Snippets of Life

By betho

Behind the Haze

This is my chubs. Isn't she lovely. She's getting better at just letting me snap her, today she didn't mind too much.

After church we had a big ole family birthday gathering in advance of tomorrow. There was us 5 + G, all the Glovers, the grandparents, auntie Ray, Esther and Rufus and even Joy and Dan and Maisie which was lovely! We had a bbq and ate SO much, and then had SO much pudding and then cake!! Was so stuffed, I'm still full now!

Had to get the train back to Cardiff but arrived to find more cake as Renee had made some and M sent me back with some too so we now have 3 big tins full of cake and only 2 of us (and the mouse) in the house!

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