SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

A Quacking Good Day!!!

WHAT A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great first Level 1 course!
Great day for it!
Great feedback!
Great afternoon with hubby!
Great evening with friends!

Great all round!

You could say that I had a good one today - but it was just a really good day where I felt that things are starting to move in the right direction.

The course was more than I imagined. This is what I have been waiting for, for a long long time, and I am so glad that I stepped out and started doing these courses for myself rather than working for whoever. I just hope and pray that they are going to take off as I know this is what I was born to do!

Not seen a lot of hubby over the past week or so with his work and my funny hours, so was great to catch up and chill together today.

The evening was great - I went out with friends that I have known for years, and we have dinner at each others every now and then, but haven't really went out for a drink together. It was great having a drinky with them and so funny how you can be friends with someone for years and in the space of a couple of hours see them in a new light! Lots of advice given and received - sweet!

So todays Blip photo was interesting!

Took lots of demo shots to show students on the course, then we got a bit carried away with time as the lighting was so gorgeous outside. Then when we were walking over the bridge 3 ducks flew up onto the railing! I thought "aww cute they are posing" but no!! They were fighting!! One ducky was pulling at the other ducks feathers, I think it was over a girly ducky ( a chicky lol) Anyway, I felt a bit brave and edged towards them snapping away. I must have been about a metre away from them and they didn't bother about me at all. I adore the colours in this shot- really great. And didnt expect to see that today!

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