In Between Days

By jase


It's been a better day. But it is Sunday and it is work tomorrow.

Still didn't do a lot but I did get to go out to do my sunset picture. I looked up the sunset time but wasn't too sure when the actual bit worth photographing came so out I went at 7:15. Alana wanted to come so she got dressed again after her bath and tagged along. I thought water would be good so we went to Fairburn Ings. It's an RSPB reserve and not too far away. There were two really nice things about the trip out. One was being in a nature reserve late on a Sunday evening. It was great being out there at that time. Two was the enthusiasm Alana responded with when I asked if she wanted to take pictures too. She took my little camera and we spend a good half hour or more taking pictures. She loved it and kept showing me what she had taken. Some of her shots are really good!

I hoped for a redder sky but it didn't happen. Never mind - it was just nice to be out. Will have to get out on a Sunday evening again!

The kids are back at school tomorrow. Alana is a little apprehensive she tells me. I told her that is just normal.

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