
By Ilaria

Mr Busker.....guitar man....

OK....very different for me!!!! :-))) And at this point I am deciding it was all worth it!!!! Today I went in to town and decided to use my new camera and try a bit of street photograhy! I lasted approximately 5 minutes before I felt sick with nerves and escaped into Costa coffee to relax, hide and reflect on what my problem was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suddenly felt a teenager again...and that was not pleasant!!! I used to be painfully shy, and not very the extreme!!!! Here I was transported back there... by my beloved camera!! I felt terrible...but reflected that I had spent years overcoming this to become a nurse and I was damned if I was going to let it get in the way now!!! I REALLY want to learn to do portrait stuff...but I'm suddenly so nervous!!! I'm not like this anymore as a nurse...almost the opposite...very comfortable, a bit of a mad extrovert at times even!!!!

So I forced myself back out there....and started taking more photos of a couple of pretty good buskers. At the time they were doing a very nice rendition of John Lennon's Imagine...which helped me relax, smile and kind of enjoy the process!!!! I even spoke to them!! Although was still too nervous to ask them much about themselves!! How weird are people???? As weird am I???

This was one shot...converted to B&W. After all the discomfort I think it turned out OK....and I'll definately try again!! I think I'm just afraid of making a prat of myself!!! At least I didn't have a monster camera!! :-)))))

Off to get a wash on, and catch up with Season 6 of Dexter!!! Byeee!! :-)))

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