Pixel H

By PixelH

K is for...tomorrow....

Decided not to force the title to fit the picture today. I had a couple of photos that I could have used but this one has good texture.

Went to Welney Wetland Centre for a wander. Nice place. Saw birds I hadn't seen before including black tailed Godwits and loads of Avocets and a Shoveler too. Definite highlights. Nice to hear the swallows are back in town even if I didn't see them.

Realise that i am really struggling with lenses at the moment. I dropped a 200mm at new year and haven't had it fixed. It would have been perfect for today. Had some nice pics of Avocets using my standard lens but would have been better if I had just a touch more zoom. The only lens I have that gives me decent results every time is the 90mm which is great for these macros and portraits. Not so great for wildlife type stuff.

Still waiting for baba. Had a curry tonight. Fingers crossed that does the trick.

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