back on cliché

8:30am and cycling to work.

After resisting sleep until it was today, the alarm call was ignored. The weeWeir was returned to bed after wandering through. As was I. Then an hour later, she appeared again. I got up, shaved and climbed back into bed. Seriously resisting going to work.

But then the will overcame the resistance and onto the bike I went. Appropriately attired, I can assure you.

Took a wee variation of route alongside some tram works, and hence the picture from the appropriate time.

The commute to a bizarre twist, with a head-on collision with another cyclist resulting in me falling over, breaking a light and my computer-mount.

Then a wee while later, a lady passed out in a bus-stop. Others also noticed and an ambulance was on the scene pretty quickly.

All very action packed for a Monday morning, returning to work after being off ill.

Work was relatively calm in comparison. Productive, in the main.

Home to barbecue some food, dinner as a family, some FaceTime chat with Carter and blip the weekend's captures.

Back to normal then.

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