Northern Star

By Lifferz


I guess this makes me middle aged....gardening at the weekend and now I am reading a Danielle Steel book...this can't be a good sign. I'll be buying cats and living in a cottage near the sea next.....
I haven't read anything by Danielle Steel since I was about 12 years old and I found a book which a TV thingy was based on which I'd enjoyed. I got this book by chance by donating some money to a charity. It's called 'A perfect stranger' and in a way it is really good cos it is mindless and effortless and sort of light touch nurturing which is much needed at the mo....I'm sounding worse now aren't I??? I don't have to think at all to read it...I'm wizzing through it and just reading something so light for 30 minutes is lovely....reading things I don't have to think about......I probably can't go so far as to say it is yoga for the brain maybe it is just drifting for the brain....very nice. Hopefully it will put an end to all the blizzard and snow storm dreams I have been having for the last few days....far too unseasonal and a little stressy for my liking! :-)

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